Core Values
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Core Values That Shape Our Culture.
Suburban’s core values are the principles that guide all our team members’ actions, support the companies’ vision, shape our culture, and reflect what our team members value. These are not just words on a plaque, this is how we live and behave with our team members, clients, and the community. You will see and feel these happening day in and day out at Suburban.

It starts with treating others as you want to be treated. It doesn’t matter if it is our TM’s, customers/clients or the people of our communities. Be the first one to give respect as you don’t get it if you don’t give it. Be polite. Be kind. Be generous. Be understanding. Listen to each other’s ideas and suggestions. Everyone adds value. In the end, it means you deeply care about each other. Once there is respect, then and ONLY then can we truly have a team that works together, achieves Excellence and changes the world.

We believe Integrity is a moral responsibility of acting with Honesty and Truthfulness. To have the discipline to talk straight and deal straight and make the ethical decision, every time no matter what the circumstances are. This is what makes up the true character of a team member with Integrity. Ultimately making us a force for good in the world.

We are born into this world with limitless potential. The only thing holding you back is you. Always be Growing is cultivating your gifts and talents to become the best version of you. Striving to reach your Highest Potential. It is a journey against “Good Enough” that never ends. This is the hardest work you will ever do, but if you don’t give up, if you keep pushing forward, you will stand at the end looking back with pride and fulfillment of the life you lived.
Be selfless is putting the needs of others before your own. You are Giving versus Taking. You only win if the team wins. True fulfillment and true happiness come from helping others. Give! This is with our TMs, our clients/customers and the community. It is only when you are being selfless, you will strengthen our team, our business and our community. And in the end, you will be remembered by how you changed the lives of those you spent time with.
Trust begins to be BUILT when TM’s, clients and customers think that you genuinely have their best interests in mind by what you say. They start to believe, and trust begins when your actions back up what you are saying, and you deliver results. Trusting relationships are built over time by continuously doing these things over and over and over again. Only when these relationships are built on trust, can we give and receive the most effective feedback and get by the mistakes we will inevitably make with each other.
Positive Impact
Do you take energy or give energy? We create a positive impact when we leave each other energized, give feedback and share our knowledge so we all can learn, grow and develop. We believe that everything happens for us, not to us and is an opportunity. We create a positive impact with our clients by solving their problems and improving their lives/businesses. We create a positive impact in the community by donating time, money or services to help those in need. Ultimately, we make the world a better place.
We Believe Leadership is not given, it is earned by keeping your ego in control, being humble by admitting your mistakes and leading by example. A leader takes ownership of everything in their world. You know and listen to your team, take their advice, delegate responsibility and give them control. A leader doesn’t panic or overreact in any situation, they detach, adapt and overcome. A leader cares deeply about their team members and has the discipline to remove people that are not effectively making the team stronger. They are driven to protect and grow their team, guide and solve our client’s problems, set goals and crush them. They are not satisfied unless they are striving for Excellence.
Striving for excellence is not a once in a while event. It is a mindset that we have every second of every minute of every day. It is the minimum standard we hold each other accountable to. Excellence becomes a habit and a lifestyle that sets us apart from our competition. Good enough or that is the way we always do it does not exist in our vocabulary. We will commit to any preparation, focus, effort, persistence and determination necessary to out-perform and over-deliver in every area of life. We do not want the results of our life and work to be average. We want them to be legendary.